Rebranding is a significant project
1. When planning a rebrand, allow enough time for discovery, messaging, design development, review and application.
A rebrand is much more than a new logo design. An effective rebrand begins with a deep examination of "why." Why do you do what you do? Why should someone consider you a best choice for what you offer? What's your purpose, your reason for being?
That inquiry into "why" guides both message and design. It will help you clearly understand who you are in your market and what draws your audiences in. That deep dive takes time, thought and creative insight.
We often compare the rebrand process to having a baby. There's a long gestation when you'll invest time and resources before the "baby" is ready to be introduced. In other words, your new brand won't be ready for prime time until the research, review, creative development and refinement is done, and you have your newly branded materials.
2. Avoid design by committee. Trust your reasons for rebranding.
A committee can be valuable for feedback and ideas. But trying to please everyone on that committee will dilute the final bold solution that will make a difference.
You must stand your ground with your committee ... Especially when you consider the advice from your creative and marketing team vs. the advice of your committee whose members don't want to leave their comfort zone.
When you choose your partner for a rebrand, give them room to do their best work for you. Believe in them, their objective viewpoint and their creative vision.
Trust you chose your marketing team wisely. Trust you knew what you were doing when you decided to rebrand in the first place. Trust the reasons to change that you identified up front. That trust will generate a new brand with "wow!" that stands out instead of blending in with everyone else.
3. Engage your team.
Your people will support the new brand where it counts -- in every contact with your audiences. When they understand the why, can tell your organization's story and have new business cards to show off, they'll bring the new brand to life. You'll see enthusiasm and excitement for the fresh new look and story.
Create brand champions on your team. Give them the tools, templates, guidelines and training to help them support brand integrity in their day-to-day communications.
What's your reason for rebranding?
There are many reasons to undertake a rebrand -- to stand out from the competition, reach new audiences or stay ahead of industry and marketing changes. But remember, a rebrand is not a "fix" if you don't know what's broken or why. Be clear about your reasons and be ready to embrace the change a rebrand will bring.
In our last newsletter we reviewed positioning, the essential building block for your new brand. That's a first step. Now read more about rebranding on our website. You can also download our "5 reasons" rebrand guide below.
Questions? To set up a time to talk, just reply to this email. We have a portfolio of successful rebrands in many industries. A rebrand can help you achieve new recognition and propel you forward in 2017.